Anna Russell-Martin


Transitioning straight from drama school graduation into a year-long acting internship with the Citizens’ Theatre may well be the young actor’s dream and that’s just what happened to Anna Russell-Martin, closely followed by her first appearance at A Play, A Pie and A Pint. In the middle of it all, we take an hour to chat about her achievements so far, but more importantly, what it’s all about and why she does it.

[Wonder Fools Special] Robbie Gordon & Jack Nurse


Given how recently these two graduated from the Contemporary Performance Practice course at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Robbie and Jack are fairly making waves in Scottish theatre, with their own unique storytelling style, drawing from real stories from their home towns and using in-depth research and verbatim delivery alongside inventive narrative to tell old stories in a new way.

For the 80th episode of the show, it was a real treat to have not one but two guests and to really get to grips with where they get their stories and how (and why!) they tell them.

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Sarah Higgins


The joyous Sarah Higgins joins me today for a great chat about character development, line-learning and escaping to the hills. Her credits include Midsummer, the role of Meg in the original incarnation of The James Plays and, recently, a week’s development with yours truly on a new musical, which is of course how she got roped into being a guest on the show.

Thanks, as ever for listening to the show. It’s supported solely by the listeners and I’d love you to be a part of that. Just click here to donate a small amount to help Putting it Together to expand!